Not everything on the internet is true and trustworthy. Kudos to you for doing your research so you may know if Wealthy Affiliate is Worth It!
Now, I will be honest to you and will let you know that I am a Wealthy Affiliate(WA) user and I did have some share of dismay on WA, but overall, WA is worth it…
Well, truth be told, the answer to the question, “Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It?”, depends on your expectations about Wealthy Affiliate.
Affiliate Disclosure – I am an Affiliate of many products promoted on this website and may earn a commission if you purchase something.
Wealthy Affiliate is NOT Worth It If…
If your expectation of WA is it will make you rich overnight then the answer is a big NO.
Reality check, WA never advertises itself as a get-rich-quick learning platform.
Even Kyle, co-founder of WA clearly stated, in one of his training videos that WA will not make you rich overnight. He also confessed that blogging and affiliate marketing takes a lot of initial work before it becomes a passive income.
Wealthy Affiliate is WORTH It If…
If your expectation of WA is to learn how to become successful in affiliate marketing through writing an authoritative blog then YES.
WA provides tools and resources that will help you build your blog/website. On top of that, it is very rare for any affiliate marketing training platform to have access to a hugely helpful and like-minded community.
I am not exaggerating if I tell you WA is the Facebook of affiliate marketing training platform.

What’s In This Article?
In this article, I will share to you 5 Reasons Why I think Wealthy Affiliate is Worth It!
You can also skip the read and try it yourself. Simply CLICK the button below and create your FREE starter account!
That is right. RISK-FREE trial of WA. NO credit card needed, NO cancelation required. If you don’t like it just simply don’t upgrade your account and never log in again.
So? What else is stopping you? CLICK the button below and start investing in yourself!
5 Reasons Why Wealthy Affiliate is Worth It?
What makes Wealthy Affiliate Worth it are the following:
- Comprehensive step-by-step training
- Helpful and like-minded community
- Mentor-to-student relationship
- One-Stop-Site for your blogging needs
- Up-to-Date live classes
Comprehensive Step-by-Step Training
There are two paths you can take at WA. The first path is the “Online Entrepreneur Certification” while the other is “Affiliate Boot camp”.

If you signed up for a FREE Starter account, you will have access to the Level One, but you will need to upgrade to Premium account to access the remaining Levels.
Benefits of the Step-by-Step Training
1. Helps you get started and excel in blogging/ affiliate marketing business
Their training is very comprehensive and will answer all of your questions with regards to blog creation
2. Teaches you basic to advance things
WA teaches very basic things such as setting up your website to intermediate things like how to search the right keywords to rank high on search engine results page (SERPS) to advance things like how to use pay per click advertising
The training is for all levels of bloggers. You will surely gain valuable insights and knowledge on blogging/ affiliate marketing whether you are a complete newbie or been blogging for months
3. Aids you to progress in your blogging career
WA has a To-Do task at the end of every video lesson.
These To-Do tasks meant to make you put the pedal to the metal.
It encourages you to apply the things that you have learned to your blog. Ideally, you will have to watch the lesson, do the To-Do task, then move on to the next lesson.
Therefore, at the end of your training, you should theoretically have a running blog with more than a dozen post.
4. Followable follow training lesson
The lessons are easy to follow because Kyle will not only tell you how to do it but, more importantly, he will show you how to do it. This is helpful especially if you are not tech-savvy because all you need to do is to repeat what Kyle is doing
Helpful and Like-minded Community
Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.
Paul Ryan
I can’t stress enough the importance of being part of a community to your success.
You probably are well aware that your friends have a great impact on your life. If you want to be successful then surround yourself with successful people. That being said, this is the reason why WA is awesome. WA has a great community that will help you in a lot of ways.
Benefits of having a helpful and like-minded community
1. Answer all of your questions
Having a helpful community is beneficial to you because it will provide an environment that promotes growth. What I really love about WA is the community! When I was starting, I have lots of questions and the community answered all of them. N
Don’t believe me?
Here is a snapshot of my profile.

As you can see, I asked over 18 times and each and every one of it has an answer.
I don’t know about you, but I believe being surrounded by a great community will positively impact your journey as a blogger.
2. Provides additional educational materials
WA members can post blogs and training materials within WA. This can be an additional source of important and helpful information that can aid you in your blogging career.
3. Motivates you to pursue your goals and dreams
Speaking of WA members’ ability to post blogs, most WA members share their success stories on WA blog. On top of that, they also share their methods on how they achieve their result.
That is great because it will challenge you to work hard to achieve the same result. Not only that but since they posted their method, then you have a blueprint that you can copy to achieve their results
That is great because it will challenge you to work hard to achieve the same result. Not only that but since they posted their method, then you have a blueprint that you can copy to achieve their results
Mentor-Student Relationship
Another great culture in WA is they promote the mentor-student relationship.
A mentorship program is important because you will not have to journey alone. You will go with someone who knows what they are doing and been through the roads you are about to take. They will keep you from getting lost, they will help you get up when you fall, etc.
I will be your mentor if you subscribed to Wealthy Affiliate Using my link.
Here is a great news for you.
I have an EQF LVL5 Diploma on Social Media Marketing, I have taken courses on Google Adsense, and I am currently taking a course on Google Adwords.
also took some Content Creation and Digital Marketing Courses from Shaw Academy.
I have spent hundreds of dollars learning how to improve my blog and affiliate marketing skills.
I am telling you this not to brag, but to let you know that as your mentor, then it would be my responsibility to teach you these things.
Benefits of having a mentor
1. Avoids costly mistakes
Mistakes are good for we can learn a lot from it. However, it would be even better if we learn from other people’s mistakes.
One advantage of having a mentor is you can learn from the mistakes of your mentor. This means you succeed faster, you avoid spending unnecessarily and you will have more resources improving something that is already working instead of spending that energy trying to reinvent the wheel.
2. Access to a personal coach
You have seen the value of being a part of a community. Now let me share to you the value of having a personal coach.
The simplest way to explain the value of having a mentor in your life is this:
Imagine Bill Gates is your best friend and he is willing to teach and help you to become like him! The value that you will get from a mentor is tremendous (assuming you have a responsible mentor). Your mentor will share his knowledge with you and will do his/her best to ensure that you will succeed.
One-Stop-Site Blogging Solutions
Another reason why I think WA is worth it is it provides all the tools you need to start and run a blog.
As a premium member, you will get the following:
- WA will host 25 of your websites at no extra cost
- Free account to Jaxxy – a keyword research tool site for $0
- Free website builder
- Access to thousands of premium WordPress themes
Now let me explain to you the benefit of those things that I mentioned to you as a blogger.
Benefits of One-Stop-Site
1. Find the best keyword with Jaaxy and rank high in Google
Keyword is one of the most important things that you need to understand and master if you want to succeed in blogging/ affiliate marketing.
You can watch the video below to learn more about Keywords

The gist of the video is you need to use the right keywords to rank higher on “Search Engine Results Page”(SERP).
You want to be on top of SERP because most search engine users only look at the first page of SERP. So if you are on the first page, especially on top, then you will get free traffic… lots of free traffic.
You want traffic to your website because you want people to see what product you are selling.
The more people see your product the higher your chance to convert them into your customers.
2. Save money from Free Web-Hosting
There are three things you need to start a blog/website: Domain Registrar, Web Hosting, and a Website Builder
If you are a WA Premium member, you will be able to host up to 25 at no extra cost. So there you go. The benefit of being able to host your website for free is… well you save money
Okay, technically it is not free because you are still paying a membership fee. Nevertheless, although you are paying $29/month (based on yearly subscription) you get hundreds of hours of step-by-step training, thousands of hours combined affiliate marketing experience from the community, ~$29/ lead affiliate commission, then being able to host 25 sites is virtually free
3. Create a ready-for-profit website using a free website builder
Free Website builder is not unique to WA. I believe every web hosting services or domain registrar provides a free website builder.
Anyhow, the benefit of saving money is not what I want to talk about here.
The benefit of a free website builder is you are able to build your website even if you do not know how to do programming. That means you can create a profit ready website in just few hours!
4. Customize your website with free premium WordPress themes
WordPress themes give a website its appearance and functionality and you need both of those to attract people to your website.
Just think about it.
Would you read an article if the website looks really basic and old?
I don’t know about you but I exist the page.
Another question.
If you go to a site and the buttons are not working the way they are supposed to be, would you still stay?
I’ll exit the site – whose with me?
Being able to access thousands of free premium WordPress themes means you will be able to customize your site the way you like it to be or better yet customize it so your target audience will keep coming back and will keep consuming your contents.
Live Classes
Every Friday night, Jay, WA’s official educator, do his 1-hour live show.
In his live show, he talks about things that were not covered in WA’s affiliate marketing training, the latest trend on SEO, blogging, and online business, and many more.
So are these worth it?
Benefits of Jay’s Live Classes
1. Stay up to date to latest SEO, blogging, and online business trend
Google often updates its guidelines on their SEO to provide better user experience to its users.
Unfortunately for retail businesses, they always need to keep up else their marketing strategies will not deliver desired results. This is true for blogging and online business strategy – they are always changing and you constantly need to learn new ways to improve yours or else you will be left behind.
Jay’s lives classes solve this problem.
Every week, he provides you a fresh new topic that will help you keep up with the fast and ever-changing world of business.
2. Get answers from Jay’s “world-famous Q&A” and interaction with other WA members
Sometimes you will not be able to follow what Jay is talking about, but that is okay. Jay will politely tell you the answer to your burning questions and if he already answered your question from his previous lesson.
Often, you can ask also other WA members on the chat bar if you further need assistance. Many WA-ers will be happy to help you.
3. Watch Jay’s live classes at your own convenience
Okay. We now establish that Jay’s live classes are important to our business, but what if you have no time to ask watch?
Well, the good news is it is recorded so you can watch it whenever you have free time.
Unfortunately, there are no more live Q and A, but if you have any questions related to the video, you can always leave a comment on the comment section below. Most of the time someone will answer but if nobody did, you can ask Jay directly or post your question on WA.
Questions, Feedback, and Suggestion?
Hopefully, I am able to answer your burning questions, “Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It?”
Personally, I believe it is!
For the amount you pay, you will
- be able to learn how to blog for income/ affiliate marketing.
- have the tools that you need to successfully start and run a website
- learn a lot from the community and from your mentor.
Please let me know in the comment section if you still have more questions or feedback about WA.
Thanks John. I signed up for the Premium membership within my first week and got a month for $20. I bought a domain for $14. That’s all I’ve paid so far. Other than that, just putting my time into it. Its been about 10 days. I feel I have already gotten a lot of value out of it. It has given me a lot of purposeful things to do. Have I made any money on my websites? Not yet, but I have a feeling I will.
Thanks for this well written article. I think Wealthy Affiliate works for me because I am a workaholic. For example with the gym its harder for me to take a day off than it is to work out 2-3 hrs a day 7 days a week. Same with my online business now. Its harder for me to take a break and go to bed on time than it is to work every possible moment. So, as with anything, results may vary. But, I like WA right now.
I tried this training platform during my search for ways to make genuine money on the internet….it was a time that I wanted to shut my doors to scammers and get-rich-quick schemers. I was sceptical in joining because of my scam experience but the free starter membership was a risk-free deal so I took it. Upon trying, I couldn’t believe such a system exist where one could explore before actually deciding to take it to the next level.
After a couple of weeks, I saw the value in the training and the tools the platform was providing so I upgraded to a paid membership so that I can be very serious with it. Since then I’ve not turned back so I can boldly say that it’s worth the money. Apart from the money, the community and support is one that every business minded person would desire to have.
When I was just starting to do blogging for income/ affiliate marketing, I almost bought a “follow my method and you will be making money in no time”. Good thing, I read reviews about it and that is how I end up with WA.
I actually went to the same process as you did. I was skeptical about the review that I read, but hey what’s to lose on a FREE Starter account right?
I made an account then boom, the rest is history. Everyone welcomed me. I see the post of other people making actual money online. I learned a lot from Kyle’s training. The owner himself is answering my questions! Then value after value keeps coming to me and I am just using a free starter account.
After a month, I upgraded to Premium account. But boy, $49 is a bit much so as soon as the Black Friday sale going on, I upgraded my account to a yearly account. Now, $24/month is so worth it!
John Greg
This is good information to know, no matter what platform you end up choosing for your blogging and online endeavors. Blogging is not a way to become rich overnight, it does take time, and it’s refreshing to see that pointed out right away. These are some helpful pointers to figure out how to take the next step and get started with affiliate marketing.
Thanks for your comment!
And yes, I needed to point it out that blogging is not a quick-rich-scheme. Of course, disregarding the possibility that a new blogger can make money quickly through blogging but those are special cases.
I think most people want to find out if WA is worth it because they are looking for ways to make a lot of money quick with little to no effort.
For some reason, they are made to believe that if they pay WA then WA will magically give them a lot of money after writing a few blogs.
WA is not an MLM where all you need is to do is to recruit people through your link then WA will pay you. WA is an affiliate marketing training platform and a one-stop-site blogging platform first. That is where they focus – teach beginners how to do affiliate marketing and to provide the tools they need to be successful bloggers.
Making money with WA is just icing on the cake. They give commissions to members who can sell WA to other people.
This is not a scam. This is a very common practice!
Let me give you an example.
Shaw Academy is another site that I used to learn content creation/ social media marketing/ digital marketing which is comparable to WA Online Entrepreneur Course/ Affiliate Bootcamp, though the quality is better. Nevertheless, that is all they offer.
Their monthly subscription fee is whopping $60!!, but it goes down as you subscribe to multi-months, i.e., their yearly subscription is $29.99!
NOTE: In Shaw Academy, you get only lessons for $29.99. In WA, you get lessons plus so much more for $29.99.
Now let us talk about affiliate marketing. Shaw Academy also has an affiliate program
If you can get people to subscribe to Shaw Academy using your link, then you get one time $12 commission.
On the other hand, if you get people to subscribe to WA using your affiliate link, then you get $23.50 recurring!!!!!
Bottom line, WA will provide the most bang to your buck and you can really become rich if you diligently follow the training and put hard work into it.
The ‘facebook of affiliate marketing!’ What a great way to explain WA. I have been looking for an honest review of the platform. I love the fact that there is inspirational content from other members. Encouragement is such a huge help if starting an at-home business. I do not think I have come across another affiliate marketing training program with a community like the one you described.
How long have you been with wealthy affiliate?
Do you think the training is suitable for someone with no knowledge of computer coding nor web site design?
Thank you for your time putting together this review and for answering my questions!
Thanks for your question. I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for about 1 year now, and so far I still have no regrets.
I have a yearly subscription that I bought during Black Friday Sale so my monthly comes down to about $24/month and I think it is a steal for that price.
Well, going because of the community in WA. I’ve learned a lot from the community. From simple website set up to best blogging practices to ideas and even for some encouragement. Actually, that alone is already priceless.
Then you have Jay who does his live shows and lives Q&A every weekend plus the full step-by-step affiliate marketing.
As for your second question, yes the training is suitable for someone with no knowledge of computer coding nor web site design.
WA affiliate partnered with WordPress to give its member free access to a website builder. Also, premium WA members get access to thousands of premium WordPress themes which are already profit-ready so all you need to do is to type your blog and maybe play around with your website builder (which is just drag and drop).
If ever you have a question about WordPress website builder, then don’t panic. There is plenty of help. You can ask your coach, ask the 24/7 live chat, ask the WA ambassadors, ask the entire WA community, etc.
Bottom line is with Wealthy Affiliate, you are not alone.
John Greg
What more is there to say about the world of affiliate marketing in wealthy affiliate that you have not touched in this post. I doubt if there’s any, I am a new member of wealthy affiliate and I can testify to all the goodies that wealthy affiliate has to offer. For that little, we get a lot and we get the ultimate support from the support team and when doesn’t want to opt for that, every single member in wealthy affiliate is a support already. Great post.
I am glad you are one happy customer.
Thanks for the praises, but actually there are a lot more that I wasn’t able to touch on this article because there are too many things Wealthy Affiliate Offers.
For example,
Wealthy Affiliate is also a domain registrar. And unlike GoDaddy who sells you cheap domain names on your first year but jacks up the price to $24 per year the following years, Wealthy Affiliate will provide you domain names for $14 – $16 a year. On top of that, you get your own domain email for free – usually an extra charge.
Recently, Wealthy Affiliate launched its own Affiliate Network! They curated the best of the best affiliate programs to make it easier for their members to find, apply and make money with different affiliate partners.
When I first started, they don’t have this so I need to create an account with Rakuten, ShareASale, and CJ affiliate. Now, it is really convenient and easy to find Affiliate partners.
Wealthy Affiliate also rewards its top affiliate marketers with an all-expense-paid trip to Las Vegas. In order to qualify, you just need to successfully subscribe 300 people to Wealthy Affiliate.
300 people is a lot of work. Yes, you are right! But take note that each people who subscribe through your link will make you about $23.50 per month recurring (for monthly subscribers) or $175 per year recurring (for the yearly subscriber)…. 300 x 23.50 = $7k per month recurring…
Is it hard to make people subscribe? Well, I think a lot of people thinks WA is worth it!
John Greg
This is an awesome review on the Power of Wealthy Affiliate and if it is worth it!
I think it is Worth more actually.
I have only been a member of WA for 6 months now and i can boldly say i have learnt and done more in just 6 months than i had in my previous $ years losing money trying to be an affiliate marketer.
I love the community and the amount of support is second to none, Every problem you might encounter has been scaled by someone who wouldnt mind pointing you in the right direction.
It really is the Facebook of Affiliate marketing.
I couldn’t agree more! Many people think WA is not worth it because of the subscription fee of about $49/ month, but that price is slashed to almost 50% if you subscribed for a yearly membership – that goes to $29/month!!
The value you get from WA is unmatched! Wonderful community, hosts up to 25 of your website, over hundreds of hours of training, member-generated blogs, one-stop-site for your blogging needs (free website builder, free WordPress premium Themes) and more.
To put an icing on the cake, WA also has an affiliate program. So not only you learn a lot from WA, but you have a chance to make money with WA!
John Greg
An informative review of Wealthy Affiliate, but with your own personality showing through the writing. I liked it!
I too am on the WA platform, and cant say enough good things about it. I absolutely love being a part of the WA community, and I love what I’m learning, how to make a great website around any idea/niche and build it into an online identity that people look to for information and good tips, such as your site provides!
Wealthy Affiliate is most definitely worth it ! Join now and start a new chapter in your life is what I say. Fun and fun!
I am glad that you enjoy the services that you get from WA.
I agree with you. WA’s community is one of the best out there. They are really helpful and respectful. They will answer your questions, they will share their success blueprint and they will motivate you to keep working.
WA also provides one of a kind STEP-BY-STEP AFFILIATE MARKETING TRAINING. Like what you said, WA members will learn how to make a great website, how to pick a blog niche, what articles to write for their niche and many more.
Again, thanks for the comment and I’m glad that you liked this article.
John Greg
Is Wealthy Affiliate worth it? Yes
If you do not have $5,000.00 to invest to get started to purchase all the needed tools in other online business to make big profits within weeks then WA is one of the best, reliable online sites to get started.
WA will let you work at your own pace according to your schedule without harassing you or making you feel like your failing because you didn’t meet some timeline.
The training is there and lots of members willing to answer your questions to help you continue your pursuit of a very successful online business including the owners.
Bottom line is, “its your business”. Its your choice when you complete your website, training and start to make profits.
There is nothing but a ton of support throughout the entire process.
Go ahead and get started. If its not your cup of tea then continue searching and best of luck.
Thanks for your comment.
I totally agree with you. WA lets its members work at their own pace but at the same time, there are there when you need help.
Also, the support that you will get from WA is unparalleled. They will answer all your question (even one of the co-founder is always present and would answer questions from its members!).
In my article, “Wealthy Affiliate Review”, I mentioned that there are different ways to ask questions/from the community. One is from the WA ambassadors, another way is from over 300k members, etc.
Wealthy Affiliate is great especially for beginners because they will get answers to all the questions they have, support when things get tough, and motivation from people who already succeeded.