Optimize Your Pinterest For Business SEO in 3 Easy Steps

Driving traffic to your business website or blog is necessary for you to have a chance to make money. Luckily, your Pinterest for Business is great at doing that job but only it is optimized. Today, I will teach you How to Optimize Your Pinterest for SEO in Just 3 Easy Step

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What are the benefits of using Pinterest for Business?

Pinterest has a lot to offer to business owners and the following is a shortlist of some of its benefits:

  1. You can easily make a profit
    • Pinterest users are proactive shoppers. They use Pinterest to research, save, and buy products/services
  2. You can reach more people with less effort and less expensive compared to other social media
    • The shelf-life of your content can last for months and it is easy to go viral
  3. You will never run out of a new customer.
    • Pinterest has over 250 million and still expanding and as a matter of fact, Pinterest growth is now faster than Twitter and Snapchat which means Pinterest will be here for a long time

Hopefully, you are now convinced that Pinterest is good for your business.

Now, let me teach you How To Get The Most Out of Pinterest.

How to Optimize Your Pinterest for SEO

In order to get the most out of Pinterest, you simply need to optimize your Pinterest for Business account. The following steps are what you need to accomplish this.

Pick a Niche for Your Pinterest

The first step to optimizing your Pinterest is picking a niche because that will give you an idea of what types of Pins you will post on your Pinterest account.

If you already have an existing business or a blog, then your Pinterest niche should be the same as your business or blog so you would attract the right people.

In case you don’t know what a niche is, a niche is simply the market category your business belongs to. You can also say that a niche is the theme of your Pinterest.

For example,

If your business is Digital Advertising, then your Pinterest account should only contain digital advertising-related Pins.

Sorry, no cat memes Pins!

Tailwind Visual Marketing Suite
Do Keyword Research Using Pinterest’s Search Bar

The next step is for you to research for niche-related keywords.

Doing this is pretty simple.

First, think of sub-categories in your niche then type those in Pinterest’s search bar.

As you type a sub-category, Pinterest would suggest the most searched keywords related to what you typed in. Take notes of these keywords because those will be your primary keywords.

Finally, after making a search query, Pinterest will further suggest words that are related to the keywords. Again, take note of these keywords and remember that they are your secondary keywords.

Step by Step Guide to Keyword Research
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Let’s go back to our example,

You wanted to know what are the sub-categories of digital marketing so you did a quick research.

After doing your research on Wikipedia, you determined that search engine optimization, search engine marketing, content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation, etc. are the sub-categories of digital marketing.

You took notes of these sub-categories knowing that they will be your PRIMARY KEYWORDS.

Next is you type the sub-category in Pinterest’s search bar one by one.

You noticed Pinterest instantly gave you suggested keywords. You also took notes of these keywords because they are likely to be searched.

After hitting enter, Pinterest showed more words directly below the search bar followed by Pins relevant to the keyword you searched. Again, you took notes of these words because you know they will be your secondary keywords.

Use Primary Keywords on Your Username, Boards, Pins

Now that you have a list of primary and secondary keyword, you are now ready to optimize your account.

Optimizing Your Pinterest Username for SEO

Wealthbuildertips.com’s Pinterest Account Username Has Primary Keywords to Improve Searchability

First, you need to write your business name followed by either “ | ” or a simple “ – “, then a write a niche-related keyword.

Being consistent with our example,

Your username should, therefore, contain “digital marketing, SEO, Social Media Marketing, etc.”

There will be a character limit to your username so be sure to write the most important keyword first.

Optimizing Your Pinterest Boards for SEO

As I hinted earlier, each of your niche’s sub-category will be your PRIMARY KEYWORD.

That said, you need to create one Board for each category and use a PRIMARY keyword to name your Board.

Going back to our example,

You should create one Board for Search Engine Optimization, one for Search Engine Marketing, one for Content Marketing and so on.

After you named your board, your next step is to add a description. This time, you would use multiple secondary keywords in your description.

Optimizing Your Pinterest Pins for SEO

There are two ways to fill up your board with Pins. First is to re-pin other people’s Pin into your board and the other is to publish your own Pin. 

Tips on re-pinning

I want you to do the following when re-pinning other people’s Pins:

  1. Re-pin Pins into appropriate boards!
    • For example, if the name of your board is social media marketing, then only save Pins about social media marketing
  2. Re-Pin Pins that are bright and colorful 
  3. Re-Pin Pins that have a short testimony,
    • e.g. “See how I increased my conversion to 3x by using this technique”
  4. Choose Pins that are sized similar to other Pins,
    • 735×1102 px is the preferred dimensions
  5. Think of the demographics of your followers then save Pins that have a design appropriate for your followers 

Tip on publishing your own pin

Okay so now let me give you tips when creating your own Pins:

  1. Make sure your Pin has the 5 qualities I mentioned above (re-pinning guidelines) 
  2. Use PRIMARY Keywords on Your Title and SECONDARY Keywords on the description. In other words, do the exact thing as what you did when creating your Board.
Your Pinterest is Now Optimized! 

And just like that ladies and gents, do those step and you will Optimize Your Pinterest for SEO

Again, the reason why you want your Pinterest to be SEO optimized is for your profile or contents to rank up high when Pinterest users search for keywords in your niche.

You want to rank high because that is how you will get traffic. The more traffic you get then the higher your chance to make money!

So, don’t forget! To optimize your Pinterest account for SEO, you would need to do the following! 

  1. Do Keyword search 
  2. Insert Primary Keywords on Your Board and Pin’s titles 
  3. Insert Secondary Keywords On Your Pin’s description

Thanks for Reading! Ask if You Have Questions! 

Hopefully, I added value into your life! 

If I did please let me know! Please write in the comments section what you’ve learned or what do you love the most about this article! 

If you didn’t like it, I want to apologize but would appreciate hearing from you why this is the case! Please let me know in the comment section.  

8 thoughts on “Optimize Your Pinterest For Business SEO in 3 Easy Steps”

  1. I have heard about pintrest and I know that so many people make use of it. I am not in the platform bit I never knew that one can use it to get more customers for ones business. This is very good and you have given steps to follow to be able to join. Your tips on optimisation is also well detailed. How long do you think it will take for one to have a good following on Pinterest and how can one hasten that?

  2. Wow! Ice never for once co sidered making use of SEO on Pinterest but it actually makes a whole lot of sense. Pinterest too is gathering and receiving the general acceptance and more people are getting on it daily. So, it is surely an excellent platform to generate more site loyalists and traggics. This is great and I’d surely try this out. Cheers

    • Hi RoDarrick,

      I agree with you. Pinterest is growing and as a matter of fact, it is growing faster than Twitter and Snapchat. 

      I also believe Pinterest is a good venue for business to market their business because Pinterest users are proactive shoppers. Combine that behavior with Pinterest’s search engine capabilities and you get a business being searched by people who are ready to buy! 


  3. Thanks for this wonderful article about optimizing the Pinterest account. I am sure many people still don’t know that Pinterest is not only social media but a search engine. So it’s definitely important to optimize our Pinterest account for search engine boost up. In this article, you explain all the steps which we will need to optimize our Pinterest in very well, which definitely gonna help us who are in online marketing sector.

    • Hi Nazmun,

      I am glad that my article is of some value to you!

      Yes, many business owners fail to realize that Pinterest is as good as Facebook and Google combined!

      Since it is both a social media and a search engine, an online business can apply both social media marketing and search engine marketing on Pinterest.



  4. Hey John, awesome article. I just bookmarked your article, I have a Pinterest business account that I use on a daily basis and I like it; I just feel like there’s something missing, but thanks to your article and the advice you gave on it, that’ll be easily remedied. Very awesome, I can’t wait to see what else you put out.

    • Hi RJ, 

      I’m glad you liked my article and I’m happy for it added value to you. I am writing more Pinterest tips! If you have anything that you want to learn, just let me know and I’ll write it for you!




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