Looking for ways to save money on bills, so you can finally save for what is really important. Think about saving for a wedding, your kid’s education, down payment for your dream house or car, etc? In this article, I will teach you Ways to Save Money on Bills! I will share with you 7 Tips to Help You Save on Cable, Phone, and Internet Services!
TV, phones, and the internet are services that we think we can’t live without, but in reality, we can still have a good quality of life without them. For example, in my household, we no longer pay for TV and landline services because the internet (therefore ”ONE” streaming service) and smartphone services are enough. I tell you the truth, we still live a comfortable life even without these services.
If you are convinced that you don’t really need all cable, phone, and internet services and you agree that replacing or cutting them is a good idea to save, then read along for I have interesting tips to help you save. Otherwise… well thank you for reading 🙂
Affiliate Disclosure – I am an Affiliate of many products promoted on this website and may earn a commission if you purchase something.
Overview: Ways to Save Money On Bills
7 Tips Will Help You Save On Cable, Phone, and Internet Bills
- Bundle up TV, Phone, and Internet Services
- Consider Switching to Cheaper TV, Phone, and Internet Service Provider
- Ditch the Cable and Landline or any other Services If not Necessary
- Borrow Movies From the Library
- Don’t Upgrade Your Phone if Not Broken. Ask for Discounted Monthly Fee Instead
- Pay the TV Box Outright or Buy a Second Hand
- Buy-Out Your Internet Modem
7 Tips Will Help You Save On Cable, Phone, and Internet Bills
1. Bundle up TV, Phone, and Internet Services
If you really need all the services, then one of the easiest ways to save money is to bundle up your services. Usually, your service provider will give you a discount if you do this way.
HOWEVER, please don’t get a bundle just for the sake of “saving”. Sometimes, providers will tell you that you will save more money if you add a landline and/or tv services on your package. Sure, you will save money if you get an “all-in-one” but if you don’t need those services and you end up paying $5 – $10 bucks more, then you are actually spending $60 – $120/year extra for services you don’t need.
2. Consider Switching to Cheaper TV, Phone, and Internet Service Provider
Another easy way to save money is to shop for a comparable, yet cheaper plan from other service providers. Service providers are batting out to gain customers and you can take advantage of that. Go to different a service provider and demand a lower monthly plan. I can assure you someone will give in.
Be aware that some providers may offer you a cheaper plan so make sure if the price they are telling is a promotional price or not. Usually, they will offer you a cheaper plan for the first 12 months then they make everything back after 12 months because they will monthly bill becomes ridiculously high.
3. Ditch the Cable and Landline or Other Services If not Necessary
Don’t get a service just because that is how it used to be. Heck, if nothing changed since then I would still get a cable and landline, but a lot of things changed especially their price.
I am actually amazed that service providers were able to increase their prices over the years. Now, the only thing that is not amazing here is if you will insist not to cut your cable and landline just because.
4. Borrow Movies From the Library
No cable to watch movies or the internet to stream your favorite movie? No problem! Your local library got you covered!
Yes! They provide DVDs and blue rays for free!
You might say, “That’s too extreme”, but remember cable/ TV packages starts at $25/month and internet services start at $80/ month! Get rid of those two and you save $105/ month!
Can’t live without an internet? Well, you still have your smartphone data right? Just change it into unlimited and your internet fix is solved.
5. Don’t Upgrade Your Phone if Not Broken. Ask for Discounted Monthly Fee Instead
If your phone is still working and your contract is done, don’t upgrade it and pay the same monthly fee. Instead, keep it and ask for a discounted phone plan since you are done paying for the phone.
6. Pay the Cable Box Outright or Buy a Second Hand
If the cable package is something you can not let go, then at least buy the cable box instead of renting it. Buying it outright is always cheaper. The downside of this strategy is if you decide to switch provider, but you can always sell your box to someone else to get your money back.
Speaking of selling your box, you can also do the opposite. Buying a second-hand TV box is possible and since it is second hand, you have the freedom to search for a good deal. If successfully done, then you will be able to save even more.
7. Buy-Out Your Internet Modem
This one is related to 6. If you are paying for an internet service, chances are that you are renting their internet modem. Again, this will be expensive long-term so it is better if you will buy your own.
Review: Ways To Save Money on Bills – How to Save on TV, Phone, and Internet Services
That’s all I got Wealth-Builders! Of course, there are more ways to save on TV, Phone and Internet services. As a matter of fact, I know you know some other ways to save money on TV, phone and internet bills that I didn’t mention. Please feel free to share those money-saving tips in the comment section.
So, let me ask you, which of the ways that I mentioned that you are already doing? Which ones you think can’t be done and which ones are you planning to implement!
What?! You already forgot the list?! Okay here is a summary.
Ways To Save Money on a Low Income – How to Save on TV, Phone, and Internet Services
- Bundle up TV, Phone, and Internet Services
- Consider Switching to Cheaper TV, Phone, and Internet Service Provider
- Ditch the Cable and Landline or any other Services If not Necessary
- Borrow Movies From the Library
- Don’t Upgrade Your Phone if Not Broken. Ask for Discounted Monthly Fee Instead
- Pay the TV Box Outright or Buy a Second Hand
- Buy-Out Your Internet Modem
Can you recommend a specific, good service provider?
Thank you for your question.
I would suggest that instead of looking at a specific, good service provider, you should focus on the plan each provider offers.
Most providers have similar plans and coverages. In my opinion, the only thing that separates one service provider apart from another is their customer service (at least the big ones). That said, the best way to save money from your phone, cable, and internet bills is to choose a plan that truly fits your needs.
For example, if you never use a landline, then why get a plan with a landline. Usually, service providers will say, ” Oh, but it is only $5 more if you get this plan.” If you’ll think about it $5 a month means $60 a year. Technically, if you are not using a landline and paying $5 more a month means you are throwing $60 a year for no reason.
Hope that helps!
John Greg